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Maisonette 100m2

255,000 €

Maisonette 127m2

700,000 €

The company ''ROKANAS Real Estate'' with its head offices in the southern suburbs and with a lot of years of experience in the area is always at your disposal for any purchase and sale or renting of your property.

Our goal is the rendering exceptional services and our ambition to become your personal advisors in matters that concern your landed property.

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Property Enquiry

Have not found the property you are looking for yet? Fill in the property enquiry form, let our brokerage office know what you are looking for and we will contact you directly.

Property Assignment

Entrust your property to us for sale or rent and we will take care of its direct promotion through the largest real estate portals as well as our site.

Become a Partner

Become a partner of the most experienced brokers. Collaborate with the best professionals in the field and become a member of our real estate agency.

Property Management

Our Company assumes your residence, your villa, etc. even if it is necessary to repair or renovate it in order to be promoted properly and methodically.
